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FO2 Stage | Aditya Parashar

by Team FO2, 22 Jun 2023

I was exploring the streets of my hometown Sonipat in Haryana. I found some really interesting compositions in a blacksmith’s shop. However, the owner was not happy that a complete stranger wanted to click photos in his shop. He started asking me a lot of questions. In fact, what irked him further was that I didn't even have a proper DSLR that would convince him that I was a photographer. To him, I just looked like a snoopy teenager up to some mischief. I had borrowed a phone gimbal from a friend and I gave him the same standard lie that all street photographers of my age use, "it’s for project work". I interacted very very patiently for a long time. At the end of it, he was so happy that he gave me a guided tour of his workshop and equipment. I got very interesting results from that shoot.
Interacting with people is very important. I believe that you don’t start clicking as soon as you arrive in a location, look around, explore and interact with the people around you. Once you get the vibe of that area, then start with clicking the pictures. That is my learning from it all.

As a family, we traveled a lot. My elder brother had a DSLR during that time and I tried my hands on it whenever I got a chance. I didn’t really think about photography during my school days but it was like a hobby to me,I used to do photoshoots of my friends. My friends and family encouraged me to continue doing it. I kept practicing with the phone camera and tried to learn about composition. I didn’t realize when that hobby turned into a passion.
I took a picture from my brother’s camera and it got featured in "Make my trip" which was huge for me. It was my first feature and that too on a big platform.

As time passed, I realized I should do more in photography. I am in the first year of my college and I think there is still time for me to think about taking photography as a full-time career choice. but I have realized that photography is my passion and I will happily do it all my life. I don’t want to rush myself to it, so I am taking my time to explore different aspects of it. I am also trying my hands on direction & cinematography and soon coming up with a short film.

Once I was exploring the Chawri bazaar area in Delhi and I kept my phone camera in the back pocket. After 5 mins, it was stolen. It was the only thing through which I could click photographs and it was no more with me. My family later bought me a simple camera phone which had minimal settings but I managed to get the best output I could.
My family was willing to give me a DSLR but I wanted to buy it from my own earnings. I started doing home tuitions and gathered half the money for the camera. When I finally bought the camera, I was so happy. I love travel photography and I am sticking to it as of now. I am a political science student and I give home tuitions.

Tourism in Haryana is very underrated and I felt that the government should focus more on it, as it will generate good employment for the state. So I prepared a pitch and sent it to the official govt email Id, I was sure that I would not get any response but to my surprise, I got a call from them to have a meeting with the MD of the tourism department. This is something that I’m really looking forward to. I believe that my state has the potential for a good tourism industry and I will do my best to help it grow.

When I began, I used to believe that the more pictures you clicked, the better chances you had for the best results. But as I learned, I realized that you should be patient and give your best to click that one best shot. Do not rush for many. Wait for the perfect timing, and then proceed with your shot. There are a lot of things you learn. I am still an amateur and still figuring out my way in this industry but one thing that I know is that I love photography and that’s what keeps me motivated every day.

- Aditya Parashar 


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