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FO2 Stage | Garima Manocha

by Team FO2, 20 Jun 2023

It was a grueling session. Shooting for top brands has never been an easy task. Perfection is sought in every click. Having worked earlier with international media like National Geographic and Al Jazeera and brands like Motorola or Huawei, I am now used to the long hours, erratic schedules, demanding clients, etc.

Finally a coffee break....with a cup of hot coffee, I started thinking about the request that I had received from the FO2 team earlier. What led me to this field? What stops other females from breaking through the glass ceiling in this so-called Male dominated field? And the memories flashed back...

I was in 7th-8th class when I used to look at these pictures clicked by other people on the Internet, and it just fascinated me. I knew that I wanted to become a Photographer. But like every other parent back in those days, Photography was limited to Passport Size Photos and Photo Frames. My parents were not very convinced about Photography as a career option. At the very least, they wanted me to have something else to fall back upon.

It took 3 years after my graduation before they actually started acknowledging my Passion for photography.

While Passion drives you to do something with your heart and soul, Passion by itself is not enough. To become a Photographer - one of the key virtues that you need to possess is patience and persistence.

If I look back at the first few pictures that I clicked, I’d be just happy that they’re all correctly exposed. However, It took me more than a few professional courses, hundreds of YouTube videos and a few thousand clicks to get the images that can catch some eyeballs.

I think, in every career, there is a time when you have to just put in the effort, day after day and wait for it to work out. Photography is also like that. There are people who start out with a lot of passion but lose steam as they face rejections and failures. They get frustrated that It's not working out or that they are not getting paid enough and eventually give up.

This is exactly where I differed. I kept at it. While my body, my bank balance and people around me kept telling me to quit, my heart didn't let me. I kept at it. And the results paid off. Today all those critics, including my bank account is proud of me and my work.

While I love to read, watch Netflix and Travel a lot, but what I love the most, is clicking pictures. I can’t imagine a life without Photography. I know for sure that I’m so passionate about it, that if one day, even if I stop getting paid, I’ll still do it for myself. Photography for me is everything, and I can’t imagine a life without it.

Being a Woman, along with Passion and Consistency, Confidence is one more aspect that will help you to be taken seriously.

You need to first believe that, if you do your research well and know your surroundings and your job, you are no less than a man. In fact, are even better, because females are more creative by nature. And while women are treated with respect, people like to have women on the team because they add value. Finally, it all comes back to letting your work speak even when you don’t.

So to all the beautiful women out there who want to make a career in Photography, I just want to say that Go ahead, follow your dreams, learn Photography, understand it well and then.... never stop clicking. Be Persistent till u become successful. And successful you will be......

Lots of love from me on this Women's day. Stay the way you are because you are the best.

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